This is a sponsored post and giveaway in collaboration with Teaching Textbooks. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I'm pretty excited about today's review and giveaway!
Last year, I shared with you Teaching Textbooks, the
math curriculum that we've been using for the last few years. I explained how I loved the fact that we could buy the complete math course for the specific grade(s) I needed and simply upload it to our computer and run it without an internet connection. It was perfect because we lived in an area where my internet was expensive as could be and sometimes unreliable. You can read about this and the many other reasons why we've chosen to use Teaching Textbooks
Now fast forward one year. Life has changed dramatically for us, so I am
absolutely delighted to share with you the new elements of the program that are now available to everyone!
Teaching Textbooks has now made their fantastic math program available anytime and anywhere with their new 3.0 version. For homeschool families like mine who frequently travel, this new accessibility makes the program invaluable.
And the best part? It's CHEAPER than if you buy the physical materials - but don't worry, Teaching Textbooks 2.0 will still be available for families who prefer to go that route. Scroll down to learn about the new pricing and the
large family discount.
I only wish that it had become available sooner. Remember, how I mentioned on my Facebook page that we had to move halfway across the country at the end of last year? The upheaval of moving made homeschooling so difficult, especially math, because our math program was tied to our school desktop computer. I had to switch halfway through the year to the physical textbooks (which were a lifesaver, I have to admit) and away from our computer lessons. While this was fine for the kids, it added a lot of work to my already overloaded plate because instead of the program keeping track of what my kids got right or wrong as they completed their lessons, I now had to review EVERYTHING. And the computer was no longer keeping track of their grades.
So you can only imagine the sheer joy I felt whenever I was contacted by Teaching Textbooks and told about their new 3.0 version which was debuting for this coming school year. I could have wept. Because you know what this means, right?
The reason I love Teaching Textbooks is that it takes some of the pressure off of me to keep track of grades, teach concepts I might not be familiar with, or that I struggle to master myself. (Hey, I'll be honest, math has never been my greatest strength. I prefer writing!)
My son learns new concepts from someone who knows what they are talking about in an engaging format, and who gives him immediate feedback when he answers questions/solves equations correctly or incorrectly.
I don't have to keep track of grades but can easily open up my teacher's grade book to see how my kid is doing, how many tries it takes him to solve a problem, and what his grades are each day.

As a Student:
The new 3.0 version means we can do math anywhere and anytime; at home, at the library, at grandpa's house, in the car. Anywhere. And it is no longer tied to one device. My son has started 7th grade and is using the Math 7 program. He can use the desktop, or our Chromebooks, or our tablet! All he has to do is log in, and the program takes him immediately to where he left off and he can start his next lesson.
Another advantage is that my tech-savvy son can now manipulate his dashboard. This is HUGE for him. He loves the ability to personalize his lessons by simply clicking on the "Settings" button located at the bottom left corner of his lesson pages. He can change the wallpaper on the background whenever he wants and even add new "buddies" - or characters - to the simple animations that the program uses as incentives for completing the work. And he can turn on and off the sounds that go with the buddies or the hints.
And there's another new element: Now, the buddies tell jokes. (In the previous disk version, the animated characters would do funny things when you got a problem right.) So while working on his lessons, my son now frequently stops and comes to find me (or his sister, or his dad) to tell me one of the jokes he just learned.
Seriously, anything that will get my son excited to do math makes our homeschool days SO much more pleasant! So this extra touch really makes a world of difference for our family.
As a Parent:
I am so grateful for this program. Why? Because it lightens my load. I juggle a LOT, so when I can add a program that helps save me time or that does some of the work for me while still teaching quality content, then I am ALL IN.
And, you know, one of the things I frequently hear from parents is that they are nervous about homeschooling because they did poorly in math when they were in school and they don't know how they are going to teach their children this subject. The fear of math is real, People. I'm not scared of it, but I do sometimes worry that I can't effectively teach certain concepts because I'm not clear on them myself. That's when I look for outside help, whether it be online, through another curriculum, or from a friend or professional. And that is the role that Teaching Textbooks plays for us, and could for you, too.
The 3.0 version also gives parents more control. Don't want your kids to get hints or second chances at answering the problems? Turn those features off with the click of a button on your dashboard. It's easy and puts you in charge.
Try it out...FREE!
You don't have to take my word on all of this...
try Teaching Textbooks 3.0 yourself for free! This is the most fabulous part of their new version. You can select the grade you want to try and have access to the complete course (lectures, lessons, eBook, and grade book) up through lesson 15. And there is NO TIME LIMIT. Your child can complete it in his or her own time. If you don't love it, no problem. But if you DO love it,
then you can sign up for the complete grade level and your child's grades will automatically transfer so they don't have to do the work all over again. Just pick up where you left off and run with it!
And before you ask, the answer is NO, you don't have to provide a credit card number like so many free trials seem to require nowadays. Really, this is the best offer I've seen in a long, long time!
Not sure what grade level your child is ready for? No problem! Take the
placement tests.
Normal Pricing & Large Family Discount
Okay, here's what is super: the individual plans for 3.0 annual subscription are cheaper than if you buy the 2.0 physical media (CDs & textbook & answer key). The prices vary according to the grade level from $43 to $67. Compared to the 2.0, which runs between $120 to $185, this is an excellent deal.
My son is taking the Math 7 level. It costs $55.08 for a 12-month subscription. That equals $4.59 per month! You see what I mean? This is so much more affordable and accessible for families who have good internet!
In addition, Teaching Textbooks understands homeschooling families and they want their program to be affordable for large families with 4 to 8 children. So they have chosen to cap the cost of the program for these families. As you can see from the image above, that price stops at 199.08. So if you have 8 kids, that works out to less than $25 per child for a year's subscription. WOW!
The Giveaway
The lovely people over at Teaching Textbooks have offered a 12-month subscription to the grade level of your choice to one MommyMaestra reader!
Don't miss this awesome opportunity if you are a homeschooler.
To enter to win, simply click on the Rafflecopter below.
¡Buena suerte!
a Rafflecopter giveaway