Yesterday in a Facebook group that I'm a member of, someone was looking for websites that reward their children for reading in Spanish. I believe her child was in kindergarten. So I shared a bunch of links to posts on my site with resources and realized, that maybe I needed to compile them into a single post to share with all of you. So here you go! If you have discovered other great resources, please share them so that I can add them here for other moms raising bilingual children. (You'll get full credit!) Thanks!!!

I prefer apps myself simply because my internet is so expensive, I don't want my kids playing games online that have lots of videos and animations that suck up all my data. Over the years, I've reviewed a LOT of Spanish apps for kids. So just click on the link below to look through them. They are all good (or I don't do the review), but my favorites in terms of engagement are those by Aprendes Con, Mundo Lanugo, and Kitu Kids.

There are tons of Spanish websites available for children. Some of my favorites are the ones created in Spain and Latin American countries. I'm pretty picky and don't typically like or share those that simply have video games for kids. I like the education component, so here's a list of sites that have reading games and activities in Spanish.
- ClicClicClic: An Interactive Reading Site for Spanish-Speakers
- ÁrbolABC.com (This one is excellent!)
- Mundo primaria
- Zona alumnos
- Educanave
- Cokitos.com
- Pocoyo.com (Of course. Everyone probably knows about and loves Pocoyo!)