Only a few more days until Christmas! And we are looking forward to caroling around our town sometime this week with our friends. :)
And that reminds me, if you are planning on singing together as a family on Christmas eve, or maybe you'll be caroling in your neighborhood, then don't forget about my printable libros full of villancicos and aguinaldos!
Both booklets are available IN SPANISH ONLY, and only contain the lyrics. The musical score is not included.
The villancico booklet includes the following songs:
- Noche de paz
- Arbolito, arbolito
- Mi burrito sabanero
- Los peces en el río
- Fum, fum, fum
- Dime Niño
- Adoremos
- Pastores venid
- Campana sobre campana
- El tamborilero
- Ya vienen los Reyes Magos
The aguinaldo booklet includes the following songs:
- Estrella de Belén
- Arbolito, arbolito
- Alegres venimos
- Pobre lechón
- Traigo un ramillete
- Las Navidades
- Alegría
- Venid Pastores
- Linda parranda
- Flores de aguinaldo
- Aguinaldo de la Trulla
Both are available here!