Opportunity alert!
For those of you looking for an online Spanish class, here's a chance to sample the ones offered by Lingua Garden. Here's a message from my friend, Denise, the owner:
Yep, FREE! No scam, I am just asking for your support and feedback in return.
If interested, please read more below...
Hola! My name is Denise and I am a fellow homeschooling mom raising two amazing bilingual children. I am also a passionate educator and entrepreneur who specializes in early childhood and elementary foreign language education. I currently dedicate my time to teaching local Spanish lessons to children, live online lessons to children, and homeschooling.
Would you be interested in trying this new Spanish course I have developed at no cost? If so, sign up today! Just click the link below. I would very much appreciate your feedback once you have completed the course. :)
Why am I doing this?
A few homeschooling families I currently work with have encouraged me to reach out to you because they strongly believe that future courses like this one could fill a need in current homeschooling households. I am curious to know what you think.
I love teaching Spanish and about Hispanic cultures. This is my passion. If possible, I want to help homeschooling families in their bilingual journey. I believe that your feedback is essential as I continue to consider the idea of adding more courses with new content. :)
Ms. Denise