
Monday, February 6, 2017

National Geographic Kids: Family Field Guide

Hey, Parents! Did you know that National Geographic Kids has a new e-newsletter out? While most NGK materials are created for children, the Family Field Guide is designed specifically for parents. It gives advice and parenting tips on topics not typically covered by other outlets. So you might, for example, find a quick article on how Star Wars can inspire an interest in STEM in your young explorer...

Or you might read about how your family can help protect the environment, or how to help your kids be culturally aware. Got 5 minutes? 15 minutes? 30 minutes? Some of the articles are broken down in terms of how much time you may or may not have and then give suggestions for using with your children.

Others are longer to promote ideals shared by National Geographic, such as values, how animals inspire kindness, food and family culture, or fostering family together time through food, etc.

The best part is that the newsletter comes out every other week, so your inbox isn't swamped with emails. I'm really loving it because I get quick ideas to use with my kids.

If you are a nature-loving family you can sign up for the Family Field Guide here!