
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

8 Questions to Ask Your Child After School

I have three boys who love my attention! It is difficult to always make one-on-one time with each one, but I really try. Now that school is about to start, I know I will genuinely want to know about my soon to be second grader's day (even back when he was in preschool)! I might not always be able to take him out alone but I make sure to have a lengthy conversation at some point after he gets home from school.

We have learned that Diego likes to unwind right when he gets home from his busy day. He usually spends 30 minutes watching a show, or spends time at soccer practice. Like most moms, I am usually very eager to learn about what happened at school, but I remind myself to give him a little time to just relax. I have also learned not to ask him any open-ended questions that will make him reply with a simple "yes" or "no." When I was teaching in the classroom, I guided parents on how to ask questions after school and would say: You know your child best so strike up a conversation when everyone is relaxed. Another tip: Make sure your questions are very specific!

Here are eight excellent questions to ask your child after school:

1. What was the best thing you did at school today?

2. What was the hardest thing you had to do at school today?

3. Can you name three friends who sat the closest to you on the bus today? During lunch?

4. Did your teacher share any funny stories?

5. Was there anything you needed at school that you didn't have today?

6. What was the best game you played at recess today?

7. What did your friends eat at lunch? What did you have for a snack?

8. What did you read at school today?

These eight simple questions can reveal a whole lot of information for you. As parents, we need to know if a subject is too hard, in order to find ways to help our student as soon as possible. It's also important to see if our children are experiencing positive relationships with teachers and peers. Even the amount of food and water consumed play a huge factor on academic success! Remember that you don't have to ask any questions the minute you see your child...let the day just sink in with your child for a bit.

Good luck! Enjoy the upcoming school year!

top image: CR Photography

Betty Galvan, is writing "for smart and stylish moms" over