
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bright Hub Offers Homeschool Lesson Plans and More

Technically, we are still on our holiday vacation from schooling. But I am still keeping an eye out for great lessons, units, products, articles and more. Not only to share with you, but also for my own kids.

One of my favorite sites is Bright Hub. I am routinely surprised by some of the great information and ideas that I get from them. For example, this week I read the article, Homeschool Winter Units: Coldest Places On Earth and Winter Sports, which has some great suggestions for two unit studies, which I enjoy because they cover a broad range of subjects. And this particular article, couldn't come at a more appropriate time of year, as we continue to shovel snow outside our door.

For those of you who are taking some time off, these unit studies are an easy and fun way to keep your children learning, without worrying about following a curriculum or a strict schedule. I especially appreciate the book list and web references given.

Another great idea for holiday vacation time is using the time to explore art. Last week, Sunny Griffis published the article, Art Competitions for Homeschooled Students, which includes several ideas and contests for the artistically inclined child.

I frequently pass on articles like these on the Mommy Maestra Facebook Page, so if you aren't already following me there, you may want to think about it.

Con mucho cariƱo...